"My mightiest flights of poesy have / no power to conjure the slightest of her curves...

July 10, 2005

--> I challenge you!: You listening, Matt?

So, I watch this anime called "Marmalade Boy," a girly serial-romance that's basically "My So Called Life" in 90's Japan cartoon-form. Many of the cultural references and lifestyle was pretty familiar (resembling 80's U.S., really), but sometimes the differences are pretty significant. For example, the show gives the impression that the Japanese are all running around yelling "I challenge you!" to settle their differences. The forms these "challenges" take is absolutely comical: basketball games, ski dares, tennis matches, or junk-store sell-a-thons.

So: this one's for Matt-Steve especially, but for anyone who wants to have a little fun with form.

Matt, let's write a few poems in each other's forms; I'll do one of your "twenties" if you write a "veintet."


Blogger steve roberts said...

you're on! just let me try and figure out how the hell you do yours....

12/7/05 12:12 PM

Blogger A. Grayson said...

Right on. Really, you can use any rhythm you want, just so long as the rhyme scheme isn't the same. That way the pattern of the rhymes sets up a certain unconscious expectation in the reader as to what the rhythm of the poem sounds like, but the unexpected variations in line length frustrate and surprise those expectations.

13/7/05 11:31 AM


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