"My mightiest flights of poesy have / no power to conjure the slightest of her curves...

July 13, 2005

Jogging Mantra

Keep on running at my steady pace.
You make me want to be a stronger man.
Build up my body's temple to your service
With the strength of your supporting hand.

You make me want to be a better man.
Though love's no competition, or no race,
Still, I will do my damndest to deserve
The least drop of your overflowing grace.

I was jogging this morning and this little snippet of doggerel began running around in my head. It began as one line-- "Keep on running at my steady pace" -- and the desire to keep myself running without feeling like I had to try to keep up with the other joggers, who are faster than me. If I try, I tire too quick. Pretty soon it had become this whole mantra/prayer thing. Heh. Just thought I'd share it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


18/7/05 6:14 PM


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