"My mightiest flights of poesy have / no power to conjure the slightest of her curves...

April 19, 2006

Ardor Ain't Strength, But at Least I'm Trying

I just saw a college kid dressed
in a Superman shirt
on Sherman street,
kissing a girl in a yellow skirt.
He swept her –literally— off her feet,
stumbled two steps
holding her waist,
then faltered and fumbled under her weight
and set his Lois on the concrete.
It was so great—
a moment so sweet
and baldly metaphoric— what a waste
that you weren’t there to see it too—
How love has no fear
of love’s own weight—
But I hope you’ll have the grace, my dear,
when it turns out that love has not
turned me into
to walk on with me, hand in hand.


Blogger steve roberts said...

i'm happy to see you back and "in effect" with a lovely poem. all talk of me sending you things will have to wait a week or two until i get my thesis done, then sendie-sendie-sendie.

20/4/06 11:54 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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21/5/06 9:37 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.

21/5/06 9:41 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.

21/5/06 9:48 AM


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