"My mightiest flights of poesy have / no power to conjure the slightest of her curves...

July 27, 2005

Absinthe Makes the Heart go Find Her

Now is the summer of my disconent,
useless as an empty bottle.
I've hurled my disconsolate
body against walls to shatter
like glass in alleys after a frat-party;
Thrown shots like a berseker in pitched battle;
Hurtled buckshot and Bacardi
at my lover's ghosts.
This summer: an interminable Mardi
Gras desperate to drown itself in tourists,
frothing with a beer-inspired mock gladness--
As if happiness consists
of making more noise than sadness.
And still, these days without her pile
one on the other, bricks in the wall of absence.


Blogger steve roberts said...

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4/8/05 12:55 PM

Blogger steve roberts said...

very good. really active poem with a lot of movemnt, but you handle it well, like spinning plates, it's enjoyable to watch.

4/8/05 12:56 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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21/10/05 11:57 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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12/1/06 8:23 PM


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